Allison Frost Photography
Saturday, October 31, 2015
"It's a dinglehopper. You've probably never heard of it." Got my first trick or treater - the politest pink power ranger ever! I told her to take two handfuls of the giant bag of candy, which was good because there hasn't been a trick or treater again. #happyhalloween #hipsterariel #thisismycostume #halloween #halloweencostume #selfie
Friday, October 30, 2015
Love these ladies! Getting ready for #trickortreatonmainstreet -- that parade of kids should be coming down any minute! #whbpac #trickortreat #mainstreet #whb #westhamptonbeach #halloween #witches #witchesofinstagram #volunteers #happyhalloween #halloweenparade
Thursday, October 29, 2015
This fatty catty doesn't get much photo time since the dog arrived, but occasionally he does something cute while Amy is sleeping. #nationalcatday #catsofinstagram #cat
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Since I am not doing a gory #halloween costume this year, and since I got bored yesterday while Chris was changing the air scoop off the boiler downstairs, I thought our basement would make for the perfect place for a spooky/gross photo shoot. Unfortunately, some solicitors knocked on the door while I was putting on the #makeup... #halloweenmakeup #burnt #light #spooky #basement #ghost #gory #gross #ghostlight
Some solicitors just knocked on the front door. I didn't answer cause I thought I'd freak them out. I wonder what they wanted.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Boone & Lucy. #tongueouttuesday #ilovemydog #thesearemyparentsdogs #mydogwouldntstickhertongueout #dogsofinstagram
Monday, October 19, 2015
"Have you ever seen a purple shell before?" Took the husband and the dog to the beach today. They were both really excited to be there, out in the fresh air, discovering new things... #beach #cupsogue #whb #vsco #fall #thingsfoundontheground
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Maybe some kind of crab spider? Help me out peeps. #arachtober #marigold #longisland
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Oh, only about four more hours here at work? When I could have been at #nycc seeing the screening of the new #xfiles? #ihatecoverbands #poorplanningonmypart #sol #beenhereallday
Thursday, October 8, 2015
@__nikki_s__ reminded me that it is apparently #nationalpoetryday and shared a #throwback poem. Well, here's mine. It was written during my junior or senior year of high school (if I was home I could pull out my old Seascapes and confirm) and I read it for a Poets Cafe. Going through my old poems was a little nostalgic, more than a little cringe worthy. Not sure how Mr. O managed to keep a straight face through all those years of teen angst but kudos! #seascapes #throwbackthursday #ifitstuesdayitsseascapes #poetry #teenangst
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Yes!!! #papajohns is back in my neighborhood! #delivery #toolazytocook #theygotmyorderright #suckstoyourasthmardominos
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Rarely when I'm at work, I remember to reapply the lipstick I've eaten off during the day. I don't have a mirror, so I usually use the selfie cam on my phone. I hate this particular camera. I very rarely take pictured with it. This loathing has led to the discovery of apps to "enhance" or "beautify" my selfie. So I downloaded one. Now I, too, can add lens flares in post and manipulate my face into an unrecognizable alien with overly large eyes/forehead and small pointy chin. I, too, can exist inside JJ Abrams Star Trek universe. (I tried using the app on the cat. Unfortunately it didn't recognize Rusty's face.). #perfect #lensflare #enhanced #allthefilters #ThisIsntWhatIReallyLookLike #TheTwinklesDisguiseMyBathrobe #alien #chirpface
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